Cost of Attendance

The cost of attendance (COA) is an estimate of what it may cost a student to attend 不良研究所 for one academic year.

Understanding Cost of Attendance

The COA, often referred to as a "student's budget," includes direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs are expenses paid directly to 不良研究所 such as tuition and fees, as well as housing and food for students who choose to live on campus. Indirect costs are expenses you may incur while you attend 不良研究所 but not paid directly to 不良研究所. These may include off-campus housing/meals, transportation and personal/miscellaneous expenses. Your COA will be determined by your housing plans and your expected enrollment.

Cost of Attendance Breakdown

  • Tuition and Fees: The average cost of tuition and fees based on anticipated enrollment based on program. Billed tuition and fees will vary depending on actual enrollment. A detailed breakdown of tuition and fees is accessible via the .
  • Books and Supplies: The average cost of books and supplies for an academic year.
  • Housing and Food: A reasonable estimate of what it would cost to live in San Antonio while attending school. Actual costs may vary by individual choices related to location and circumstances. Average costs are calculated based on residence on campus, off campus or at home with parents.
  • Transportation: The average cost of traveling to and from campus.
  • Personal and Miscellaneous: Average expenses on items purchased throughout the academic year related to educational costs. Actual expenses will vary from the given average depending on spending habits.

Cost of Attendance Adjustments

Students may submit a Cost of Attendance Adjustment Request for additional expenses incurred during the enrollment period. Eligible expenses include child care costs, laptop, software and supplies. Cost of attendance adjustments only increase the ability to borrow additional loans, if eligible. Additional grant funding is not awarded for these expenses.