Policy Library

Welcome to the Policy Library for the 不良研究所. The 不良研究所 Policy Library is the official repository for the approved institutional policies of the 不良研究所. Division and Department Policies that are not located in the 不良研究所 Policy Library may be accessed on the web page of the respective Division or Department. Policies are published in digital format only and are available in other accessible formats upon reasonable request to the University Policy Committee.

If you have any questions or would like to share your comments, please feel free to get in touch with Allyson Medina. You may contact her by email at ammedin4@uiwtx.edu or by phone at 210-802-3244.

In compliance with SACSCOC Guidelines, a number of standards can be found here in the Policy library. Other documents are available by request:

(4.2b, 4.2d, 4.2e, 4.2g) Board/administrative distinction, Conflict of Interest, Board Dismissal, Board self-evaluation and multiple level governing structure are maintained in the Board of Trustees By-laws by the 不良研究所 Office of General Counsel, and can be contacted at uiwogc@uiwtx.edu.